Its program includes three areas, as cooking was recognized to have three components, which are social, artistic and technical. See more ideas about Plating, Food plating and Gastronomy food. Molecular cuisine is a modern style . When the art of selecting, preparing, serving and enjoying good food becomes the science of doing so.
The way of preparing food did not change much through history.
Kitchens are equipped with basically the same tools that cooks used centuries ago. If you are like me you have heard about molecular. And for more molecular. Maiilard discovered how sugars and proteins reacted to high heat levels and dubbed.
A program was proposed for molecular gastronomy that took into account the fundamentally important artistic and social components of cooking as well as the technical element. A distinction was also made between the parts of recipes: “ culinary definitions”—descriptions of the objective of recipes—and “culinary . These chefs (who are also physicists) will freeze ingredients with liquid nitrogen or turn them into foam with pressurized gas, yielding crazy dishes, like cotton candy cakes and burgers with whipped meringue buns. (more…)