Поможем подобрать домработницу, няню, сиделку, повара или водителя в Москве. Наши специалисты на все 1 отвечающего любым требованиям и пожеланиям клиента. Тщательный отбор кандидатов, огромный практический опыт в данном вопросе и наличие грамотных специалистов являются . Определение housemaid : a woman servant whose job is to clean a large house, and who often lives there.
Define housemaid : a girl or woman who is a servant employed to do housework — housemaid in a sentence.
A mai or housemaid or maidservant, is a female domestic worker. Although now usually found only in the most wealthy of households, in the Victorian era domestic service was the second largest category of employment in England and Wales, after agricultural work. Housemaid definition, a female servant employed in general domestic work in a home, especially to do housework. English dictionary definition of housemaid. A woman or girl employed to do housework.
I could not put it down. Keeps you on the edge of your seat till the end. I am a librarian and wish it was in every library.
I hope the author writes more. (more…)