SIRE: FTCH Copperbirch Paddy of Leadburn. DAFTAW Lisdrum Orchid of Copperbirch. PEDIGREE: Click Here to view the pedigree.
DESCRIPTION: Stella won a novice field trial at 17mths and won her first open stake at 26mths. This little bitch has it all.
Country of origin: Ireland. Thyroid clearance: SD- clear. PRA status: Optigen Clear. Paddy is a very well put together dog. Breeder: Keith Matthews.
He was bred by Keith Mathews in Ireland at the Copperbirch Kennels. We are also available for destination installations- designing with floral is our number one passion, while traveling comes in a close second.
Learn about working at Copper Birch Distribution. Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at Copper Birch Distribution, leverage your professional network, and get hired. Sam is the first official stud dog at Marsagan Labradors. Field Trial Champion bred black labrador (carries yellow) available for stud duties to approved bitches.
He comes from the world-class Copperbirch line and has a truly outstanding pedigree with champions out of dogs going back generations. You’ll love the ‘ Copper Birch Abstract’ Painting Print on Canvas at Wayfair. XLED COPPER BIRCH PILLAR. She carries herself with dignity and grace.
As a hunter, she has a very good nose and is rock steady. In flooded timber, she will sit quietly on a log while mallards land within . Bring indoors the inspiration of nature with this gracefully handcrafted birch leaf platter. These sales have gotten sweeter. Get our Christmas deals on arthouse copper birch canvas wall art at its new low price.
Collection: Baulon Color: Copper birch.
Dimensions: Thickness: 12. Grade: ABC Installation: Välinge 2G lock, micro bevel.