Eketorp is an Iron Age fort in southeastern Ölan Sweden, which was extensively reconstructed and enlarged in the Middle Ages. Throughout the ages the fortification has served a variety of somewhat differing uses: from defensive ringfort, to medieval safe haven and thence a cavalry garrison. In the 20th century it was . The older edition had players write down their viking orders and was two rounds longer.
In Eketorp , players build Viking strongholds upon the Swedish island of Öland.
The goal of the game is to collect the most valuable blocks to build your own fortress, either by winning battles on . Eketorp Fort, Эланд: просмотрите отзывы (шт.), статьи и фотографий Eketorp Fort, с рейтингом на сайте TripAdvisor среди достопримечательностей в Эланд. Информация об этой странице недоступна. Eketorp castle is an ancient castle from the Iron Age, located on the alvar inGrass Farm parish in south-eastern Öland.
The castle was expandedconsiderably during the Middle Ages and has over time had varying features, from former defensive ring to the medieval fortress sanctuary, and later time for a cavalry . The Viking fortress Eketorp on the north side of the Baltic Sea island needs reinforcing against enemy attacks. The viking chiefs send out their men to bring back the necessary construction materials for the fort.
But supplies are rare and battles must be fought to gain them. Even the most daring Vikings often return . В настольной игре Экеторп племена неистовых воинов сойдутся в противостоянии за стройматериалы. В игре доступно четыре вида ресурсов: трава, дерево, глина и камень.
С их помощью Вам будет необходимо укрепить стены собственной крепости. Победителем станет тот, кто первым возведет . The first fort ( Eketorp I) was built during the Scandinavian Iron Age (ca. AD 300) near the edge of a lake that had been used for animal sacrifices since the birth of Christ. Inside the fort, shelters with openings toward the center were . We wish you a warm welcome to Eketorp fortress! Just like today there were many connections between people on Öland and others around the Baltic Sea and the Continent.
Eketorp fortress is one of the ancient fort on Ölan a small island situated on the south east coast of Sweden. The very first fortress at Eketorp was built in the Iron Age, 4th Century A. Here tribes can advertise for members to join them. Players can browse the different tribes available and choose the one that suits them. Here players can advertise why they would be a good fit for certain .
Take a tour of the Eketorp , Sweden to visit historic site in Oland. Early medieval castle near Eketorp. Eketorps Borg is an archaeological open air museum and a fully restored prehistoric concentric castle near the southern tip of Öland. The castle on the edge of the karst landscape Stora Alvaret is so far the only one of the known prehistoric castles on Öland that has . Compare hotels near Eketorp in Degerhamn using real guest reviews.
Eketorp is situated on the island of Ölan east of the Swedish mainlan where there are more than 10registered prehistoric monuments. The majority date from the Iron Age and most of them are various kinds of graves. The most important evidence of Iron Age daily life is more than 3preserved.