With Chef you can manage servers – or 0of them – by turning your infrastructure into code. Time-consuming activities like manual patching, configuration updates, and service installations for every server will no longer exist. And your Infrastructure becomes flexible, version-able, human-readable, and testable.
Кеш Схожі Перекласти цю сторінку The Chef server acts as a hub for configuration data. The Chef server stores cookbooks, the policies that are applied to nodes, and metadata that describes each registered node that is being managed by the chef-client.
Nodes use the chef-client to ask the Chef server for configuration details, such as recipes, templates, and . Disabling the Apache Qpid daemon on CentOS and Red Hat systems. See the Apache Qpid of the prerequisite documentation for detailed steps. Chef проверяет, что каждый из ресурсов системы настроен правильно и пытается исправить состояние ресурса, если оно не соответствует ожидаемому. В режиме клиент- сервер клиент . Chef is both the name of a company and the name of a configuration management tool written in Ruby and Erlang.
It uses a pure-Ruby, domain- specific language (DSL) for writing system configuration recipes.
Contribute to chef – server development by creating an account on GitHub. This has an obvious advantage when dealing with a . Instructions on how to configure a Chef server and virtual workstation and how to bootstrap a node on Ubuntu 14. In this guide, we will work to install one Chef server used to store configuration data and administer access rights.
This will serve as a hub for our other machines. We will also install a workstation that will allow us to interact with our server an. Deploy chef server to bare metal and public or private clouds using the Juju GUI or command line. Я буду устанавливать сервер на CentOS 6. Сервер должен иметь “полное имя домена” (FQDN): т. Last pushed: years ago.
Sold by:Chef Latest Version: 12. This AMI is free of software charge and . This server is preconfigured with Chef server , the Chef management console, and Chef . Chef Server (Free node license). Bootstrapping a node not only installs Chef on that node, but creates a client object on the Chef server as well.
Running the Chef client on your node uses. Chef используют чтобы настраивать сервера. Делают это при помощи кукбуков, которые описывают желаемое состояние сервера.
В кукбуках есть рецепты, в которых и находится определение состояния сервера. В Chef есть разделение на chef – server и chef-client.