Kärcher sc1402

This brand new powerful Kärcher steam cleaner incorporates all accessories and features needed in order to make lightwork of any and all steam cleaning requirments without the need for chemicals. There is no waiting around for the machine to cool before you can . Before the refilling of a conventional steamer, the pressure of the boiler has to be reduced so that the safety valve can be opened. Then only after, the unit can be refilled . Perfect for all domestic steam cleaning requirem.

Get rid of spillages and mess quickly with this handy replacement steam cleaner head from Karcher. A perfect addition to the Karcher steam cleaner, this steam floor cleaner attachment is compatible w. Fix the problem easily by replacing the Karcher steam cleaner O Ring Seal. Please try our search function first. Bay Kleinanzeigen – Kostenlos. Rengör hygieniskt utan kemikalier.

Den löstagbara vattentanken kan fyllas på under drift.

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Chcete vědět, jak tento výrobek dopadl v našem testu parních . Of stel een vraag aan een andere bezitter van uw product als u problemen heeft met uw apparaat. Lieferung oder gratis Abholung in Ihrer Filiale. Price comparison Switzerland.

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