Among the various thin film deposition techniques that have been employed for CIS film growth, so far only three-source evaporation and the two-stage method . The chalcopyrite structure compounds. This chapter starts with a brief description of material properties of. Photovoltaic research has moved beyond the use of single crystalline materials such as Group IV elemental Si and Group III-V compounds like GaAs to much more complex compounds of the Group.
Copper indium diselenide (CuInSe2) and its alloys are important photovoltaic materials with diverse . I-III- VIlike CuInSe2. Vanadium(III) iodide is the inorganic compound with the formula VI3. This paramagnetic solid is generated by the reaction of vanadium powder with iodine at around 5°C.
The black hygroscopic crystals, dissolving in water to give green solutions, characteristic of V(III) ions. The purification of vanadium metal by the . Crystal structure of (a) zincblende and (b) chalcopyrite lattice. The tetrahedral structure of the chalcopyrites can be considered as a . Molar mass of VI= 304. Convert grams VIto moles or moles VIto grams. Molecular weight calculation: 50.
The I–III– VIcompounds such as CuInSe CuGaSe CuInS Cu(In 1ÀxGax) Se and CuIn(Se1ÀxSx)solid solutions virtually exhibit either tetragonal with space group of I 42 that is, chalcopyrite or cubic (zinc blende) with space group of I 42m, that is, sphalerite structure. In addition, CuAu (CA), CuPt, and order . Compound semiconductors are not completely covalent, but are partly ionic. The ionicity in general increases going from group IV elemental to group IVIV . Pressure dependence of the energy gap in some I-In- VIcompound semiconductors. There is only one wurtzite structure compound that has been made into an LED and that is SiC.
At the time of writing, CuInSe(Refs. 3-5) is the only ternary chalcopyrite semiconductor that has been made into an LED and this like AgInTe(Ref. 6) that is shown in the Fig.
Pushing this approach even further, the Group II element in a II–VI compound can be replaced by a combination of a Group I and Group III element (averaging outer shell electrons) to give a I–III– VIcompound. CuInSe commonly referred to as CIS, is the most important example in the solar field. Alloys of this material, . The compound CuScShas been prepared for the first time, and single crystals have been grown by chemical transport reaction with I2.
The crystal structure has been determined by single crystal X -ray . This figure indicates that the defect chalcopyrite or the OVC may exist in the Cu-( Ga,In)-S system as similar to the Cu-(In,Ga)-Se system. The most cost-effective route to solar cell fabrication was unlocked by utilizing thin-film technology. Cite this chapter as: Madelung O. In: Semiconductors: Data Handbook. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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