Lagotto kennel

We are a family kennel of lagotto romagnolo. All our dogs live with us. They are used to children, other dogs and cats. They know how to behave in the pack.

Our effort is to breed healthy dogs in compliance with FCI standards with great coats and good temperament. Our dogs are tested for JE (juvenile epilepsy), Storage .

Our goal is to preserve and protect the. Our breeding program is hands-on, health-centric, responsible, and in accordance with the AKC and LRCA best breeding principals. Han är väldigt obetänksam, hunden. Han tar sig aldrig för att fråga om du har rätt eller fel, intresserar sig inte för om du är på väg uppför eller nedför livets stege, frågar aldrig om du är rik eller fattig, dum eller klok, syndare eller helgon.

Lagotto Romagnolo breed. Our canine companions all get individual attention and love and are part of our family. Located in the Pacific Northwest in the State of Oregon.

However the reclamation and draining of the marshes in the early 20th century brought the . Being a breeder in good standing with the club shows the breeder has agreed to the Code of Ethics for membership and for breeding.

If they are not a member, what . We have started approaching this breed in a simple and spontaneous manner, when we decided to dedicate time to searching the precious truffles, partly for curiosity, partly because our territory in the Northern Italy is famous for it. The LRCA is not party to any contracts, nor does it verify . The rustic, curly coat which once protected the dog from freezing water now keeps him safe from thorns and brambles as he searches the forest for truffles, buried deep in the ground. In the mid 19th century, concerned breeders . Partner: AMATEUR BREEDING LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO. Dear visitors interested in puppies!

The primary goal of my kennel is to breed for my own purposes. Artemis puppy – Duration: seconds. Akira puppy – Duration: seconds. Contact us for Puppies for sale. Below is a list of LRA Member Breeders.

Some may have stud dogs as well as breeding bitches. Details of the health conditions affecting the breed can be found on . The lagotto is an ancient Italin bree the oldest of the waterdogs. It has been known since the 16th century in Italy where it was used as a retriever. The hunters sailed out from small boats with the lagottos on board and when they had shot the ducks the lagottos swam to fetch them.

Bagno di Romagna (Italy).

Friday minor puppy, puppy and veteran. Unico della Taparina EXC Gleska Made My Day 1EXC Campione Sociale . Riccia Kennel avler på rasetypiske, friske, HD-frie, øyenlyste, getestet og selvsagt mentalt stabile hunder. En nøye evaluering av avlsarbeidet skjer over flere generasjoner for å få et så vellykket resultat som mulig. Det viktigste av alt for oss er at valpene kommer til eiere som vet og ta vare på denne fantastiske rasen og . Megszülettek Dió kiskutyái. Ez a hétvége nem volt könnyű sem a gazdinak sem Diónak, de mindenki hősiesen viselte a megpróbáltatást.

Szeretnénk megköszönni . These gorgeous puppies live in spacious garden, they are used.